



A mother takes her minivan through an automatic car wash, drives home, scoops up the mail, pulls into the garage and kills herself. She leaves behind a husband (Dad), a daughter away at college (Riley), a set of teenage twins (Caitrin and Eli), and a dog (Leadbelly). Eli (Eli Rubenstein)-- by all accounts a normal teenage boy -- just wants everything to go back to normal. When the family dog goes missing (and nobody else in the family seems to care) he searches for her because somebody in this family has to try to hold this all together damnit. Caitrin (Caitrin Gallagher) did everything first. She was born first. She got her license first. She found out about her dead mom first. She's sick of it. If adulthood is as full of lying and loneliness as it seems, Caitrin wants nothing to do with it. Riley (Annie Brennen), the ambitious aspiring actress, never planned on returning to the suburbs except for a quaint Christmas every couple of years between film shoots. Little did she know her dad would ask her to move back home to fill in for Mom. She's thinking about taking up yoga. Among the whitewashed fences, mailboxes, and manicured lawns, a despondent family deals with the drudgery of grief and their growing detachment to each other-- all through the eyes of their depressed dog, Leadbelly
Caitrin Gallagher, Maggie Nilles
Directed by=Anna Nilles




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